This format is intended for works where fonts have been used as as integral part of an artwork or illustration. For Uses that are about art or were made for the art sector, see Topic: Art. For a broader use of illustration, see the dedicated tag.
Contributed by Michu Benaim S
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Stephen Coles
Contributed by Mark Butchko
Contributed by Brando Corradini
Contributed by Angello Torres
Contributed by Matthijs Herzberg
Contributed by Nick Sherman
Contributed by Arnaud Aubry
Contributed by Matthijs Sluiter
Contributed by Julian Schröpel
Contributed by Ane Thon Knutsen
Contributed by Axl Gamez González
Contributed by Art Belikov
Contributed by Ryan Brotherston
Contributed by Studio July
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Borja Flores
Contributed by Nouvelle Noire
Contributed by Pernoux Loris
Contributed by Dan
Contributed by Out Of The Dark
Contributed by 205TF
Contributed by Altiplano Typefaces
Contributed by Michael Sallit
Contributed by Kelly Shield
Contributed by feeeels magazine
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by Jeremy Tankard
Contributed by XYZ Type
Contributed by Alex Slobzheninov
Contributed by Laïc: Type Foundry
Photo(s) by Bart Solenthaler on Flickr.
Contributed by Raissa Pardini
Contributed by Laura Csocsán
Contributed by Michael Leonhartsberger
Contributed by Ollie Deans
Contributed by Darden Studio
Contributed by Jose Alonso
Contributed by Super Magic Friend
Photo(s) by Philipp Messner on Flickr.
Contributed by Shahab Siavash
Contributed by Studio Thomas