AKA Zierschrift Gloria. Announced before 1895 by Emil Gursch. [Archiv für Buchdruckerkunst, Jan 1895] Additional styles added over the next decade or so: fett, Kursiv fett, schmalfett, Kursiv schmalfett. Offered by Brendler (as Akzidenz Reklame), Fischer (Diszes Grotesque), Wood Miles (ldoneous). [Reichardt 2011] The schmalfett was registered in Nov. 1898. [Reichsanzeiger]
Phototype adaptations as Gursch Gloria [PLINC 1965] and King. [Lettergraphics 1968] Dan X. Solo showed a condensed style as Planter’s Punch [Condensed Alphabets, Dover, 1986].
Digital revivals of the original roman style include Cacao and RMU Gloria (RMU, 2019).