Released in early 2018 in in 6 styles; Revelations (sharp serifs), Light, and Dark; all with italics. Later extended with Apoc Sans. Extended with Cyrillics designed by Ilya Ruderman as Apoc LC (Sep. 2020).
Contributed by Guillaume P
Contributed by Alain Papazian
Contributed by Pauline Nyren
Contributed by Keita Yamada
Contributed by Gina Burri
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by Volkan Şenozan
Contributed by Mirja Kuberka
Contributed by TITLE mag
Contributed by Yannic Heintzen
Contributed by Juan Carlos Yto
Contributed by Marwan Kaabour
Contributed by Renata Motyka
Contributed by Olivier Palle
Contributed by Adelina Shaydullina
Contributed by Kevin Morales
Contributed by Catarina Freitas
Contributed by Dennis Hoelscher
Contributed by Guillaume Santial
Contributed by Pénélope Delaur
Contributed by Ilaria Castelli
Contributed by Yuqi Wang
Contributed by STUDIO WORK
Contributed by Sarah Bourge
Contributed by Tobias Ecsedy