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Brotherhood of Man – “Kiss Me, Kiss Your Baby” international single covers

Contributed by Johannes Vandenheuvel on Apr 2nd, 2019. Artwork published in .
Dutch sleeve with B-side “Put Out The Fire”, ft.  and , both available from Letraset at the time.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Dutch sleeve with B-side “Put Out The Fire”, ft. Lazybones and Koloss, both available from Letraset at the time.

Brotherhood Of Man is a British pop group best known for winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 1976 with “Save Your Kisses for Me”. “Kiss Me, Kiss Your Baby” is another hit single from the year before. The disco pop song reached the Top Ten in several European countries. The typographic choices on the various releases impressively illustrate the dominant role that dry-transfer lettering played for single sleeve artwork during this period.

French sleeve ft.  (carried by Letraset).
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

French sleeve ft. Windsor Elongated (carried by Letraset).

German sleeve ft.  (a Letraset original) and  Light, another face available from the English manufacturer of rub-down lettering sheets.
Source: Scan: 45cat / jimmyx. License: All Rights Reserved.

German sleeve ft. Aachen (a Letraset original) and Futura Light, another face available from the English manufacturer of rub-down lettering sheets.

Spanish version with B-side “Love me for what I am”, ft.  and two weights of 

. These faces were available from Mecanorma, the French competitor of Letraset. Mecanorma’s version of Churchward Design 70 was named Galaxy.
Source: Scan: 45cat / Mulderre. License: All Rights Reserved.

Spanish version with B-side “Love me for what I am”, ft. Dreamline and two weights of

Churchward Design. These faces were available from Mecanorma, the French competitor of Letraset. Mecanorma’s version of Churchward Design 70 was named Galaxy.

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