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Liverpool Can Beat TB

Contributed by Blythwood on Jul 13th, 2016. Artwork published in .
Liverpool Can Beat TB
Source: Wellcome Trust. License: CC BY.

The Wellcome Trust is one of the world’s largest healthcare charities. Its image library is a marvellous resource of scientific publishing and posters, much of which has been CC-licensed. (A lot of this has been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.)

This 1959 public health awareness poster has a lovely sans-serif italic at the bottom. This seems to be what Miller and Richard sold as Grotesque No. 4, shown in this specimen from 1921 in pages 220–225 (152–157 in the pdf). The top could be their no. 5 (pages 205–7/137–9 on the pdf), too. Miller & Richard had been wound up seven years previously, in any case, so presumably the type was old or cast by someone else.

The bird on the left is a Liver Bird, a traditional symbol of Liverpool.

2 Comments on “Liverpool Can Beat TB”

  1. Nice bit of classic British ephemera, Blythwood! I think the condensed sans on top is probably Stephenson Blake’s Grotesque No. 9.

    Grotesque No. 9

  2. Ah yes, thanks for pointing this out. Should have known from that cap 'C’…

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