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L’Aventure Extraordinaire des Plantes Voyageuses by Katia Astafieff

Contributed by Production Type on Aug 3rd, 2018. Artwork published in
March 2018
    L’Aventure Extraordinaire des Plantes Voyageuses by Katia Astafieff 1
    Source: © Atelier AAAA. License: All Rights Reserved.

    From Dunod publishers (translated from French):

    We’ve all been amazed one day by the amazing diversity of the plant world. But every plant has a story. Katia Astafieff, a traveler passionated by plants, tells us ten incredible adventures of plants from elsewhere, such as tobacco, kiwi, rhubarb and the strange rafflesia. Ten plants, but also ten explorers on expeditions to the ends of the World risking their lives, researchers of green gold, Indiana Jones of botany. Let yourself be guided in the footsteps of the British spy Robert Fortune, disguised as a mandarin to steal the secret of tea from the Chinese, or the eccentric Joseph Rock who brought to the West some seeds of a delicate peony hitherto unknown.

    Atelier AAAAA designed the cover and interior of this book. Main titles are set with an outlined Stratos. Body text is set in Calenda Plus while paratext and chapter openings use Hellenic Typewriter.

    L’Aventure Extraordinaire des Plantes Voyageuses by Katia Astafieff 2
    Source: © Atelier AAAA. License: All Rights Reserved.
    L’Aventure Extraordinaire des Plantes Voyageuses by Katia Astafieff 3
    Source: © Atelier AAAA. License: All Rights Reserved.
    L’Aventure Extraordinaire des Plantes Voyageuses by Katia Astafieff 4
    Source: © Atelier AAAA. License: All Rights Reserved.
    L’Aventure Extraordinaire des Plantes Voyageuses by Katia Astafieff 5
    Source: © Atelier AAAA. License: All Rights Reserved.
    L’Aventure Extraordinaire des Plantes Voyageuses by Katia Astafieff 6
    Source: © Atelier AAAA. License: All Rights Reserved.
    L’Aventure Extraordinaire des Plantes Voyageuses by Katia Astafieff 7
    Source: © Atelier AAAA. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Stratos
    • Hellenic Typewriter
    • Calendas Plus




    Artwork location

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