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Suding & Soeken, Bremen

Photo(s) by Monsieur Adrien. Imported from Flickr on Mar 27, 2019.
Suding & Soeken, Bremen
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Monsieur Adrien and tagged with “herold”. License: All Rights Reserved.



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2 Comments on “Suding & Soeken, Bremen”

  1. Established in 1888, Suding & Soeken is one of the oldest independently operating companies in Bremen, Germany. Since 1922, the company is doing business under their brand name Reesa. The depicted building on Langenstraße 112 (today 28) was erected around 1630 and is a listed monument today. Suding & Soeken moved here in 1901. The typeface used for the green fascia lettering – Farben, Tapeten, Autolacke (“paints, wallpapers, car paints”) – is Reklameschrift Herold. It was first cast by the Berthold foundry in the same year.

    The lettering is not from 1901, but was applied only in recent years, as one can tell from the “over 2,000 shades of car paint” mentioned in the panel between the windows. It’s cool that they aimed to pick a style that is period correct. In contrast, the italic caps used for “Suding & Soeken” indeed might go back to the 1900s. They seem to reference an older lettering style that harmonizes with the architecture.

  2. Over on Flickr, Christopher has shared an image of the italic caps lettering. In his comments he includes a link to the website of Bremen’s State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments. Their entry for the building has photographs that suggest that the lettering in Herold goes back at least to 1976.

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