Source: www.ebay.comeBay seller stmarkspress. License: All Rights Reserved.
Rub-down transfers from the “Super Action Heroes” range. Tom Vinelott of mentions that there were three ranges of Super Action Heroes. The Doctor Who issue belongs to the second range, GK217, from 1976, and features the third Doctor (Tom Baker), with Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen), plus some Daleks.
“Super Action Heroes” is in Neil Bold, while “Doctor Who” is based on Futura. Most of the instructional text uses Dom Casual and Flash. The information in other languages uses caps from Beton Extra Bold. “Dalek” is in Compacta Outline, and “Invasion of Earth” in Helvetica Bold. All these faces were carried by Letraset.
In 1976, the production of Action Transfers was transferred to Letraset’s Italian factory, Sodecor, where offset litho printing was used with transfers for the first time. The impetus for the move was a joint venture undertaken with Gilletteto produce Action Transfers under the name Kalkitos. These were widely distributed around the world, with the brand name occasionally differing; in the US, they were known as Presto Magix.
Source: www.ebay.comeBay seller stmarkspress. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.action-transfers.comThe SPLAT Scan Archives, with thanks to Joe123dinosaur. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.action-transfers.comThe SPLAT Scan Archives, with thanks to Joe123dinosaur. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.action-transfers.comThe SPLAT Scan Archives, with thanks to Joe123dinosaur. License: All Rights Reserved.