Photo(s) by Maurits van den Toorn. Imported from Flickr on Jul 8, 2020.
Source: to Flickr by Maurits van den Toorn and tagged with “lithos”. License: All Rights Reserved.
Lithos in use for PC-Koning (“PC King”), a computer store in Utrecht, the Netherlands. From the series Middenstandsroyalty (“Middle-class royalty”, or “SMB royalty”) by Dutch Flickr user Maurits van den Toorn.
Lithos was designed by Carol Twombly in 1989, inspired by Ancient Greek inscriptions. The family spans five weights, offering caps with small caps. In the 2000s, the fonts were widely disseminated by being bundled with Adobe’s Creative Suite of design applications.
If this sign were in a German-speaking country, the O with crown might read as Ö. And indeed that’s what the designer of another Middenstandsroyalty sign did – the Zauberkönig in Berlin-Neukölln uses a crowned o for ö. The script letters are custom drawn, and not from a typeface.
1 Comment on “PC-Koning, Utrecht”
If this sign were in a German-speaking country, the O with crown might read as Ö. And indeed that’s what the designer of another Middenstandsroyalty sign did – the Zauberkönig in Berlin-Neukölln uses a crowned o for ö. The script letters are custom drawn, and not from a typeface.