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Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook

Contributed by David Jonathan Ross on May 15th, 2022. Artwork published in .
    Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook 1
    Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.

    The Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook is a 500-page tome that provides pictures, statistics, and information for over 875 Pokémon.

    To complement these lovable characters, the book’s publisher Scholastic Inc. wisely found a super extra deluxe typeface that was up for the task: Bungee. As Bungee’s designer, I am thrilled to see it large and in charge on the cover in a stacked-and-justified arrangement. You’ll also see Bungee all over the interior, used for the Pokémon’s names as well as smaller metadata.

    It is accompanied by ITC Conduit for text, as well as other supporting fonts peppered throughout the book – including House 3009 Spaceport (for “Regions”) and FF Cocon. The subline on the cover is set in Helvetica Compressed.

    I couldn’t be happier that Bungee (and the other typefaces) are out there helping Pokémon lovers of all ages in their efforts to catch ’em all.

    Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook 2
    Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook 3
    Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook 4
    Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook 5
    Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook 6
    Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook 7
    Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook 8
    Photo: David Jonathan Ross. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Bungee
    • ITC Conduit
    • House 3009 Spaceport
    • FF Cocon
    • Helvetica Compressed




    Artwork location

    2 Comments on “Pokémon Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook

    1. Impact, you say? To me, it looks like Helvetica Compressed is being used instead.

    2. Right you are, my bad! Thanks, Bryson, fixed now.

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