An independent archive of typography.

Turner Duckworth

Contributed by Daniel Ioannou on Apr 6th, 2023. Artwork published in
circa 2022
Turner Duckworth 1
Turner Duckworth. License: All Rights Reserved.

Intentionally simple, we crafted the new Turner Duckworth to be as bold, assertive, and unmistakable as the work we create while allowing the work to take center stage.
Klim’s Founders Grotesk (in Condensed, Text, and Mono styles) sits at the center of the new identity, informing the new wordmark and becoming the foundation of the typographic expression, which at times is contrasted with Grilli’s Alpina.

Our approach to the identity created room not only for our work but collaboration. We partnered with Sons & Co. to craft a site that allowed our work, story, and personality to shine. Kelsey McClellan and Michelle Maguire, A.K.A Terrence Caviar helping us bring our personality to life through a series of images that tell the story of Turner Duckworth.

Turner Duckworth 2
Turner Duckworth. License: All Rights Reserved.
Turner Duckworth 3
Turner Duckworth. License: All Rights Reserved.
Turner Duckworth 4
Turner Duckworth. License: All Rights Reserved.
Turner Duckworth 5
Turner Duckworth. License: All Rights Reserved.
Turner Duckworth 6
Turner Duckworth. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • GT Alpina
  • Founders Grotesk Condensed & X-Condensed
  • Founders Grotesk Text
  • Founders Grotesk Mono




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