Large linear gradients, also referred to as split-fountain or iris printing. See also the tags for gradients and rainbows
Contributed by Nick Adam
Contributed by Jono Lewarne
Contributed by Celia Grandhomme Freelance Brand Designer
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Dingpress
Contributed by Caleb Vanden Boom
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by XYZ Type
Contributed by Wibke Bramesfeld
Contributed by Jessie Carvalho
Contributed by Rob Hudson
Contributed by Adrien Menard
Contributed by Two Points
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Maria Doreuli
Contributed by Alex Slobzheninov
Contributed by Stephen Coles
Contributed by mikel antonio
Photo(s) by Alexis Orloff on Flickr.
Contributed by 205TF
Contributed by Johannes Vandenheuvel
Contributed by Katie Laughter
Contributed by Benoît Bodhuin
Contributed by Stephen Hampson
Contributed by Philipp Messner
Photo(s) by Klaus Hiltscher on Flickr.
Contributed by Swiss Typefaces
Contributed by Alexandra Kovac
Contributed by Boris Meister
Contributed by Nick Sherman
Contributed by Lluís Serra
Contributed by Bureau Brut
Contributed by MILKS
Photo(s) by Joe Clark on Flickr.
Contributed by Stiftung Buchkunst
Contributed by Indra Kupferschmid
Contributed by Clément Le Tulle-Neyret