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Belle Emilie wines

Contributed by F37 Foundry on Mar 3rd, 2022. Artwork published in .
    Belle Emilie wines 1
    Source: Gianfranco Pontillo Design. Photo: Serge Chapuis. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Gianfranco Pontillo Design saw F37 Foundry’s Bergman as the perfect typeface for the elegant wine label design for Belle Emilie, a new wine from the Cellier des Chartreux winery in Pujaut in southern France.

    With its tapered stems and geometric thick/thin lines, F37 Bergman is just the job for luxury branding, and this is evident in the work from Pontillo. It is paired with Morgane Vantorre’s Arthemys. The Chartreux logo appears to use Gotham by Tobias Frere-Jones.

    Belle Emilie wines 2
    Source: Gianfranco Pontillo Design. Photo: Serge Chapuis. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Belle Emilie wines 3
    Source: Gianfranco Pontillo Design. Photo: Serge Chapuis. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Belle Emilie wines 4
    Source: Gianfranco Pontillo Design. Photo: Serge Chapuis. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • F37 Bergman
    • Arthemys
    • Gotham




    Artwork location

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