An independent archive of typography.

“Look Here!” poster by Calvin & Frazier

Contributed by Bryson Stohr on Jan 1st, 2023. Artwork published in
January 1885
“Look Here!” poster by Calvin & Frazier
Source: Courtesy of the Ohio History Connection. License: All Rights Reserved.

From Ohio History Connection:

Dated 1885, this broadside advertises dry goods and other items, such as hats, caps, boots and shoes, overalls, ladies’ and children’s hose, notions of all kinds, glass and queensware, crockery, wooden-ware, iron-ware, etc., sold at discounted prices from February 1, 1885–March 4, 1885, in honor of President-elect Grover Cleveland, at Calvin & Frazier in Lena, Ohio.

The typographic design opens with a big “LOOK HERE!”, printed from a wood type version of French Clarendon. The other larger lines are set in Antique Tuscan Extended (“Cash or Trade“, “DRY GOODS”), Gothic Round (“COME AND SEE”), and Bailey Shaded (“OUR WELL SELECTED STOCK!”). Most text is set in a sans of narrow proportions, possibly Gothic Condensed No. 5. There’s also a Clarendon/Ionic and a few more unidentified typefaces.


  • French Clarendon (wood)
  • Antique Tuscan Extended
  • Bailey Shaded
  • Gothic Round
  • Gothic Condensed No. 5
  • Clarendon/Ionic
  • unidentified typeface




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