Created by Florian Hardwig
A selection of Uses featuring faces that originated at the International Typeface Corporation, ITC.
Contributed by Stephen Coles
Contributed by Garrison Martin
Contributed by Fonts In Use Staff
Contributed by Chris Purcell
Contributed by Jan Middendorp
Contributed by Michael Jord Abiera
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Mark Butchko
Contributed by Reem Albannai
Contributed by Julián Garnés García
Photo(s) by Groove is in the Art on Flickr.
Contributed by Marçal Prats
Contributed by Love Lagerkvist
Contributed by Frank Grießhammer
Contributed by Andreas Kofler
Contributed by Herb Lubalin Study Center
Contributed by Alexander Winkelmann
Contributed by Stéphane Darricau
Contributed by Barry Parker
Contributed by Cristóbal Riesco
Photo(s) by Felix M on Flickr.
Contributed by Neil Priddey
Contributed by Jargon Scott
Photo(s) by Steve on Flickr.
Contributed by Season of Victory
Contributed by Jackson Tomlinson
Contributed by Nick Sherman
Contributed by Joshua Terry
Contributed by Ian Lanius